Thursday, January 14, 2010

FortWhyte Niversity...what's missing?

"U" are!!!

In September 2009, FortWhyte Alive launched a new idea in volunteer and staff development.  We found experts from various fields, and brought them to FortWhyte to share thier knowledge.  The idea was to develop a better background understanding of the environmental and cultural issues we work with here, and for people's general interest.  The program was called FortWhyte University.

The program worked well.  It worked really, REALLY well.  We started another session in December - and realized, "hey, this is working REALLY well...if our staff and volunteers like this stuff, other people will too!"

I am pleased to be one of the first to announce that we have an upcoming series of FortWhyte University  programs open to everyone!

Saturday, January 23rd, we have two dynamic presenters back-to-back....

10-11:30am:  Dr. Gordon Goldsborough - "Lakes as Ecosystems":  Gord is an expert on Manitoba's "other lake"...we all know about Lake Winnipeg, but what about Lake Manitoba?  Come out and learn more about how the living community in this magnificent lake interact to form something grander than its parts.

Incidentally, Gord (who also teaches at that "other" university, the U of M) knows a lot about our lakes here at FortWhyte Alive.  One of the tasks I have the honour of performing is ongoing water quality assessment during the winter.  How does a camp director- turned interpreter learn to do water quality sampling and analysis?  Gordon Goldsborough teaches him, and in the process, becomes one of this interpreter's heroes.

Like lakes?  Like stories about people working in the wilds of Manitoba?  Want to see science in action,  exciting and accessible?  Three words..."Come See Gord!!!!!"

1:30-3:00 – Most people know that getting outside is good for them but not many people are fully aware of the many health benefits from stress reduction to enhanced spirituality.  Come learn the secrets from Laurie McPherson, of the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority -  you’ll be inspired to get outside and get healthy, even in winter!

For more info on either of these presentations, call us at (204) 989-8355.


FortWhyte University continues the next day, with Roadside Ready at 1:30pm.  I'll be sharing tips and tricks for keeping yourself comfortable should you become stuck in your vehicle away from the comforts of home.  We'll be making car kits, full of essentials to keep you, friends, and family safe and happy if you find yourself in a spot.  I'm excited about the presentation - making it doubly interesting is the fact I'll have run the Ice Donkey adventure race that morning.  Come, learn to survive, and see if I survived the race!

(Please note:  I'm buying supplies for the car kits.  Thus, there is both a small fee, and the need to pre-register - either check our website, or email me for details!)

Be an Eco-Driver follows at 2:30pm.  For most of us, motor vehicles are a necessity. We've all heard that when it comes to carbon emissions, vehicles = bad. The picture is not entirely grim, though- this workshop will present ideas to help lighten the impact of driving a car.  Oh, and you'll learn to save money.  That's always a good thing.

See "U" all very soon!


Friday, January 8, 2010

Biathlon Postponed - and a Touch Museum Teaser Trailer

Hello, all!

It is my regretful duty to announce the postponement of the Inaugural FortWhyte Alive Snowshoe Biathlon.  With the holidays having just passed, and the cold temperatures this week, interest has been, we're going to try again on February 20th, at 1pm.

If the idea of a snowshoe race with some atlatl throwing interests you, let me know!


There's a new resident moving in to the Kiwanis Touch Museum in the next few weeks.  It's going to be a big, hairy deal...keep watching for info!!!!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

CTV News at 6 and 11 - and another picture of the Northern Hawk Owl

Happy New Year!!!

CTV News Winnipeg just left FortWhyte Alive.  A crew was out to capture some of the fun and excitement that is the last day of the school holiday here at FortWhyte.  Maple Taffy, Sod House Pioneers, Toboganning, and a quick mention of the Hawk Owl might make the newscast at 6pm and 11pm tonight.  So, if you are near a TV during those times, check it out!

I also was the fortunate recipient of a beautiful picture of the Northern Hawk Owl taken by a visitor to FortWhyte Alive.  I've been given permission to share it - so, behold in all of its mid-winter splendor, the Northern Hawk Owl!

isn't it a beaut?
